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quotes about trust and love

quotes about trust and love

quotes about trust and love quotes about trust and love quotes about trust and love

quotes about trust and love quotes about trust and love quotes about trust and love

The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. ~Mark Twain

All men are created equal, then a few become firemen. ~Author Unknown

He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts - for support rather than for illumination. ~Andrew Lang

How is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? ~Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld

There is not a thread in it but scorns self-indulgence, weakness and rapacity. ~Charles Evans Hughes

You can't be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet. ~Hal Borland, Sundial of the Seasons, 1964

Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire. ~Virgil

Civilizations have been founded and maintained on theories which refused to obey facts. ~Joe Orton, What the Butler Saw, 1969

Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken. ~Bill Dodds

Those who never rebelled against God or at some point in their lives shaken their fists in the face of heaven, have never encountered God at all. ~Catherine Marshall, Christy, 1967

God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them. ~Author Unknown

Why attack God? He may be as miserable as we are. ~Erik Satie

Forbidden things have a secret charm. ~Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. ~Timothy Fuller

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. ~Doug Larson

Poverty is the mother of crime. ~Marcus Aurelius

A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart. ~Author Unknown

Action is the antidote to despair. ~Joan Baez

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse. ~Robert Smith Surtees, "Chapter XXX: Bolting the Badger," Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, 1853

Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers. ~Lewis Mumford, The Brown Decades