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mad hairstyles

mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Ketsjap
    Jan 5, 07:23 PM
    I love the idea of a non-spoiling keynote-experience.


    As I can recall, just after the keynote is posted online, there seem to be that much people viewing it that it just becomes worthless to watch. Such as: image hickups, buffering-probs, vid/sound synchronization-probs...

    That is if you even can connect to the stream! Most of the times, the feed just wasn't accessible!

    Don't you guys have that problem over there in the States? Maybe it is because I'm in the EU? It really sucks, I guarantee..

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • MacVault
    Oct 2, 04:28 PM
    I'm glad to see this DRM stuff getting hacked. I hate the DRM and would buy way more music, movies, and TV Shows from iTunes if there was no DRM in the files.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • linux2mac
    Mar 25, 10:25 AM
    I was there at the beginning - in & out 3 times.


    OS X you've been the Apple of my eye since the beginning!

    Thanks for posting. Sadly back then I was in a Windows world working at a Fortune 100 Microsoft shop as a MS trained applications developer. I remember telling my college friend (that was responsible for my Mac conversion) that Macs weren't good for business when he asked me why I didn't use a Mac. Wow, did I ever drink the Windows Kool Aid! I should have switched back in 2000 instead of nine years later (Linux in '07' and Mac in '09').

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • obeygiant
    Apr 25, 05:25 PM
    Same two girls at a burger king? (http://www.wjhg.com/home/headlines/Video_shows_spring_break_brawl_at_PCB_Burger_King_118505599.html)

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • JoeBlau
    Sep 18, 10:38 PM
    Blogging isn't journalism...Bloggers should be treated as they are - private citizens under no journalistic fact or ethics obligations.

    Actually that is not quite accurate as bloggers are not people.

    In any event, people need to lighten up. The self-righteousness exhibited in this forum would be quite amusing if it was not so sad. CES is one massive, pompous, over-wrought technology advertisement, and you are all crying at some schoolboy prank interrupting some guy's presentation.

    And just to re-iterate, bloggers are non-professionals hacks that should never be taken seriously in any professional media circles.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 09:03 PM
    i prefer the number 9 to be honest :p 9ghz! phoar!

    what temps are they running at? had you considered water cooling?

    i was running around 90C. i've now taken it down to just 3.9 ghz. it's still up close to around 85C. i really don't feel like messing with water cooling on this system. maybe next time

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • iMeowbot
    Oct 28, 06:59 PM
    Interesting. So does Apple just put their stuff up under ASPL and let the FreeBSD commiters sift through it?
    Yeah. This is the same situation that caused some strife between the WebKit and KHTML projects, although in the BSD world it's not such a hot button issue.

    Okay. Everyone's got their own morals, but if a few people are putting OS X on their PCs, I don't see it as a huge issue. Given how complicated it is it's not really a *problem*. But if a rich company like Apple takes a free thing and makes money off of it and only gives some of it back to the community that created it and gave it away, that seems less moral (this is my opinion) regardless of what the legal documents say.
    Thing is, the BSD community as a whole want the proprietary option open. They avoid taking code from places like the Linux kernel in order to keep GPL terms from coming into play; GPL stuff is segregated into separate packages. Apple aren't getting away with some technicality, the ability to keep source closed is one of the touted features of BSD.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • gkarris
    Oct 17, 10:55 AM
    Actually, the porn industry has gone with Blu-Ray.

    Where's this information?

    I saw a special on 80's technologies and had Beta and VHS on there. The porn industry was really the one that finally tipped the scales (especially the rental of it).

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • esaleris
    Jan 10, 03:59 PM
    I think in a world where you only get 2-3 seconds of a consumer's time as they walk by, the mental snapshot of folks turning over panels to "fix" them, regardless of what is actually wrong, is quite strong. Link that with a brand name, and you've made an indelible, if subtle, connection.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • steviem
    Mar 13, 12:35 PM
    Apple used to innovate, right now they have acheived the goal of any capitalist company, they've hit the big time with the iPhone and are resting on their laurels.

    Notebooks / Computers, these aren't innovative, infact the PowerPC was innovative, OSX 10.1 was innovative but now... it's got to a point where they don't innovate, Intel does; Nvidia does; AMD does, apple are a box maker using the same components as everyone else.

    Apple A series mobile processors, these are innovated by ARM (spun off from Acorn, a british company). Again they don't innovate.

    Where they DO innovate is the idea of a vertical system where typically companies have gone to a horizontal view. The innovation is to capture you with something (be it a Apple TV, iMac, iPhone, iPod) and get you into their vertical structure. The innovation comes at creating a market for all possible user needs within this vertical structure, e.g. Movies, Music, Apps... where they can't make it themselves they take a cut from other developers (30% split).

    What is innovation?

    Apple have done a lot since the PowerPC. In fact, especially in the laptop area, Apple were severly lacking in innovation with the iBook and PowerBook. PowerBook to original MacBook Pro, not a lot changed, but let's look at what has changed since the first MacBook to now.

    Apple has found a way of manufacturing beautiful Aluminium cases out of a block of aluminium. During my day job, I work with Dell D-series, E-Series laptops and Macbook Pros. Admittedly, we get less Apple hardware with failure than we do with the Dells, and the 2-3 year old Dells are dropping like flies due to their Nvidia graphics chipsets failing. Last week I had 6 Dell laptops fail and had to replace their motherboards. Which leads me onto another of Apple's innovations. Component layouts. Yes, Apple use the same components as other PCs, they did during the late PowerPC era too (save the processor) and the way they engineer the layout and cooling is just of a much higher quality than Dell, where the parts do seem to be more cobbled together.

    Then let's look at 2007. Yes there were Blackberry and Windows Mobile phones around first, but the innovation that Apple made was making smartphones useful to more people. They also helped create an entire new software development industry, in the background they had a tablet, unlike any Tablet PCs, but too hard to make into a product at the time.

    Apple are great at taking something already there and making it work either in other applications or making the entire package in a way that their competitors just get confused on how to combat. Look at how Motorola desgined the Xoom, Samsung Designed the Galaxy Tab 10, there's something lacking in these designs in the entire packages. Yes they will be great against the original iPad and its original OS, but look at Garageband and iMovie. The iPad is geting powerful enough to be a device to create on. That is innovation.

    I'm not talking about the lower levels of computing. I'm talking about the parts of computing that End Users, who will never see an IDE in their entire lives. This is where computing is being redefined. They're shifting the way people use the "input. Process. Output.Store".

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • sobolobo
    Jul 24, 08:45 AM
    I also doubt that this thing will break the iPod's dominance in the market, however the transfer in loyalty that's been happening is not as profound as people might think. A couple of years ago, people will be deciding between a Vaio or a Toshiba, today, it's a PC or a Mac but at this stage it appears the PC is still winning out.

    And there actually are people who don't know who made the iPod! :confused:

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • steve_hill4
    Sep 25, 01:17 PM
    Damn then there must be something wrong with you Quad again Gary. I regularly use 1.1.2 on my 1.67 powerbook and I find it perfectly acceptable. And on my G5/X800XT it's super fast.

    I think the issue with people finding it slow is there lack of understand of what Aperture is actually doing. And also not really knowing how to use Aperture to it's full potential.

    Everybody wants everything to be instant but that will never happen.

    I for one find the workflow of cataloguing, correcting and exporting in Aperture far faster and superior then any comparable app.
    I have to say that I find Aperture acceptable on the MBP, but I guess if you are someone like iGary who uses this kind of software a lot, you notice it more and more.

    Hopefully the update will make a big difference in performance, especially when they now allow you to run it, whatever the (current) hardware you buy at the same time.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Hephaestus
    Mar 17, 06:06 PM
    Yeah there are some people that genuinely ask about the pros and cons but most people in my experience just ooze envy and I don't understand it. No one is forcing anyone to go buy one so why complain about something you don't have. People that don't own Apple products also have this idea that Apple fans have this superiority complex which if anything it's the opposite. A lot of people seem to hate on Apple products just because they're made by Apple.

    Typed from my iPhone

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • PurrBall
    May 3, 06:30 PM
    Apparently you've never been to Calgary...

    Or Maine.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 21, 10:29 PM
    I think this would be a better way to do it. Perhaps it could be called the "Thank you" or "Helpful" button.

    I agree. And there should be some kind of count of "thanks" for each member. And it can give us different "levels" based on our thankfulness. Kind of like how we achieve different statices based on our post count.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • one1
    Apr 30, 08:46 PM
    Safari is broken for me. Reopens the last window URL no matter what I set my preferences to. :( Other than that it FIXED AUTOMATOR (Yaaayyyy!!).

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  • kalisphoenix
    Sep 12, 05:51 AM
    I was going to receive a (female) friend tonight, but she postponed for tomorrow...

    Call me na�ve, but aren't they supposed to receive you?

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  • aznkid25
    Jan 15, 10:43 PM
    Just imagine in September when Apple has the September ipod keynote, SJ will probably say something like this:"The MBA sales have been average this year, we think we can do better, and we want to make it more affordable for the holiday season, so we will be dropping the price $500 and now it will cost $1300.

    mad hairstyles. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Lunettes
    Jan 10, 10:29 PM
    Hope they don't shut down Steve's screen at the keynote...

    Jul 21, 08:40 PM
    go Apple. fight fire with fire.

    Apr 15, 04:43 PM
    the way it tapers in the back... no way ive would let that happen

    Oct 6, 12:26 PM
    wow first the Verizon network has the most 3G coverage, now they say that BlackBerry's run better on it too! I think big red is looking really good come December :p

    Oct 6, 03:21 PM
    I honestly don't understand why people are always complaining about AT&T. I and no one else that I know has ever had an issue with AT&T in our area (Ann Arbor, MI). But everyone who has Verizon has issues.

    We used to be on Verizon, and we would always get dropped calls. And my friends who are still on Verizon still drop calls all the time.

    It's the same if I drive out into the middle of nowhere. (Which me as some friends did recently). I had 3G coverage in the middle of nowhere, but my friend on Verizon had no coverage at all.

    And the funny thing is that according to the maps, Verizon is supposed to have better 3G coverage in my area which is total BS.

    EDIT: I also forgot to mention the crappy customer service from Verizon. Like the manager at a Verizon store telling my mom to ****** off and die, because she was pissed that there had been a service outage for over a week.

    AT&T will bend over backwards for us though. The one time we had a problem (a day long outage) they prorated 25% of our bill for that month, without us even asking.


    Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    Perhaps a little quick on the draw here but it isn't working for me. The boxes have gone but the actual voting buttons still take me back to the forum index page.

    same with me. On IE7 running Vista

    Edit: Now works! :)