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famous quotes about love and life

famous quotes about love and life

famous quotes about love and life famous quotes about love and life famous quotes about love and life

famous quotes about love and life famous quotes about love and life famous quotes about love and life

Skipping is just a dancing walk, or if you prefer, a walking dance. ~Jessi Lane Adams

History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. ~Abraham Lincoln

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life! ~Albert Einstein

The brain is a commodity used to fertilize ideas. ~Elbert Hubbard

Motto: a short expression of a guiding principle or ideal of behavior; a sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its character or use. Example: "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time." ~Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society

A wedding is just like a funeral except that you get to smell your own flowers. ~Grace Hansen

A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future. ~Author Unknown

Faith is courage; it is creative while despair is always destructive. ~David S. Muzzey

If I were to characterize George Washington's feelings toward his country, I should be less inclined than most people to stress what is called Washington's love of his country. What impresses me as far more important is what I should call Washington's respect for his country. ~Randolph G. Adams

What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

She was what we used to call a suicide blond - dyed by her own hand. ~Saul Bellow

I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day. ~Gene Perret

The finish line is sometimes merely the symbol of victory. All sorts of personal triumphs take place before that point, and the outcome of the race may actually be decided long before the end. ~Laurence Malone, about bicycle racing

Alcohol is perfectly consistent in its effects upon man. Drunkenness is merely an exaggeration. A foolish man drunk becomes maudlin; a bloody man, vicious; a coarse man, vulgar. ~Willa Sibert Cather

Drugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about it, golf is the only sport where the players aren't penalized for being on grass. ~Bob Hope Drugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about it, golf is the only sport where the players aren't penalized for being on grass. ~Bob Hope

Where do you go to get anorexia? ~Shelley Winters

The total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. ~Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals

For visions come not to polluted eyes. ~Mary Howitt

An earthquake achieves what the law promises but does not in practice maintain - the equality of all men. ~Ignazio Silone